Caffe Latte 


Translation: coffee and milk


THE most popular coffee drink


Yes- it is the same as a latte, but don't order a latte in Italy as you'll be served a tall glass of.. straight milk!


Originated in Italy caffè e latte- made for American tourists to help them drink the coffee as without the milk it was too rich and deeply flavoured for them.

History: the term ‘caffe e latte’ was first recorded by William Dean Howells in his 1867 essay “Italian Journeys”.


Made of espresso and steamed milk

1/3 espresso, 2/3 steamed milk

1cm foam


Time: 5 minutes

  1. Make espresso/strongly brewed coffee
  2. Froth milk: pour it into a jar (halfway) shake hard for 30 to 60 seconds.
  3. Take off lid, microwave for 30 seconds letting foam rise 
  4. Pour espresso into our Rysons ‘Caffe Latte Glasses’ and stir using our Rysons ‘Electric Coffee Frother’.
  5. Pour the milk on top using large spoon to hold the foam back 
  6. Spoon the milk foam as you prefer
  7. Sprinkle cocoa on top.
  8. Enjoy drinking the latte & the foam with our Rysons ‘Metal Latte Spoons’.

Foam: when did it start and when did latte art start?

Started in Italy after micro foam was developed! Became popular in the 1980’s in Seattle.

- Most common foam art: heart shape, tulip shape & the Rosetta shape!


Cold Latte’s have become popular because of the US. They often have sugar or flavoured syrups added- such as vanilla, caramel, eggnog etc.

Coffee Ice Cubes are often used in these to prevent the drink from becoming too diluted!- 


Some people even add ice cream to latte’s- make it into a dessert!


Nowadays dairy milk is becoming a thing of the past. With it’s environmental effects (on the earth and my stomach) it’s great to cut down on it- there’s oat, almond, soy and many more plant-derivative milks that pair great with coffee! (a personal favourite is oat milk).