Help the environment with these wholesale products

Wanting to help decrease your contribution towards climate change?
It’s 2022, by now everyone should be making a conscious effort to reduce the amount of waste they contribute towards. This planet is our home and should be cared for the same way it has cared for us. At Rysons we have many products to help reduce the waste of water, energy and resources in your daily lives.
- Reach & Pick Up Stick with Magnetic Tip: this is great for organised park/beach clean up days. Humans love to enjoy spaces whilst simultaneously littering everywhere. It is great to do our part in helping to keep these spaces clean, as animals are hurt and ecosystems are destroyed by our actions.
- Eco friendly flushing system: these systems help to save water, and the one we sell saves 2 gallons of water every flush! You might not think anything of it but water used to flush is often the same water coming out of our taps. Energy is used to treat and transport this water, so reducing how much water we use whilst flushing helps us to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Solar moroccan lanterns string: everyone loves pretty lighting but are these lights worth the energy they use? Having solar powered LED lanterns eliminates this worry as the sun provides all the energy needed to turn the lights on and create a lovely atmosphere.
- Reusable coffee cups: a cup of joe keeps us on the go, but getting a coffee every morning in a cup you're going to throw away afterwards is just not okay. Our reusable coffee cups give you that takeaway coffee cup feeling whilst reducing waste. Fossil fuels are used to produce the cups in coffee shops, so reducing the number of cups needing to be produced is great for helping the environment.
- Glass straws: these are great to use and easy to clean! Plastic is such a bad material to use as it stays in the environment for a long, long time without degrading. This is really harmful to animals that are often hurt by plastics. Even when producing the plastic harmful fuels are used, contributing to global warming.
- Reusable ice cubes: these simply have to be frozen to cool drinks, saving water which as mentioned before helps to reduce our energy consumption and reduce our carbon footprint.
- How Can I Stop Climate Change book?: this Collins book is a great read for people wanting to get educated on the issue. It contains facts, figures and advice from experts so you can fully understand exactly what it is, what it's caused by and ways to prevent it.
- Clothes line: I know we all love the convenience of modern day appliances however not all of them are needed. Whilst a dryer does cut down on time, you can't go wrong with a good old fashioned clothesline to dry your clothes and reduce energy used.
- Fridge fresh food saver stay fresh mat: food waste isn't something people often think about when thinking of global warming. However, food waste thrown into a landfill produces a lot of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more harmful than CO2 when it comes to trapping heat in the atmosphere.
- Reusable cooking liner: this helps to reduce the amount of energy use we contribute towards. The less products we buy, the fewer transport vans needed (which use fuel) and the less energy and resources needed to make these products.
At Rysons, we’re here to help answer any more questions and ease any worries you may have regarding buying wholesale. Our team is on hand to answer your calls at +44 (0) 161 387 7214.